32 ECT Edge Crush Test
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At present there are two tests used throughout the wavy industry to determine strength. Historically, the old industry standard has become a burst test (Mullen), which is associated with wavy material resilience. The exploding test is the size of the style needed to break down or pierce the bumpy council face and measured with the mulen tester. This style is indirectly related to the capabilities of the carton to withstand external or internal strength and thus load and protect the product during shipping. Exploding power is reported in the pound (for example, 275 #).
Newer standards that have reached widespread acceptance are crush edge tests (etc.). This is a true performance test and is directly related to the stacking strength of the carton. Etc. is the size of the edgewise press power from the corrugated board. It is measured by compressing a small segment of the board on the edge between two platens or plates perpendicular to the direction of the flute until the peak load is set. This is measured in a pound 32 ECT Edge Crush Test per lineral inch from the edge of the load bearing (Lb / in), but it is usually reported as values etc.
It is important to show that the equivalent ECT value is given as the minimum value. This is because the cargator can use one of the many different “recipes” to make every type of wavy. Each makeup will differ slightly in the overall strength. For example different formulas for single walls 200 # corrugated will cause the council etc. which is equivalent to varying between 32 etc. etc. etc. It is important to understand what type of bites you use before deciding to replace the equivalent.
For example, if you send a product that weighs between 25-40 pounds, a single wall carton 32 etc. must be sufficient, in many cases. If your carton will experience severe handling, Carton 200 # may be a better choice. It will be equivalent to cartons with ECT 32 or higher, and the test explodes more than the actual size of rough handling.
The fundamental difference between the two tests is that under the minimum board Burst Base test is needed. That is, Burst tests require that the basic paper used to make wavy fiberboards has a weight of at least a certain minimum pound number per unit area provided. ECT eliminates this requirement, which allows the use of lighter weight material while still providing high performance. When you compare two-sized cartons with equivalent power, one Burst test is rated and one upgraded etc., the rated Carton ECT will have fewer weight. In other words, the ECT rating cardboard will use less wavy materials.
For example comparing a single wall 275 # to a single wavy board which is equivalent to 44 etc. Average, Test Burst 275 # with a single wall carton rating will weigh 175 pounds per 1000 square feet of material used. The single wall carton which is equivalent to 44 ECT will have an average weight of 149 pounds per 1000 square feet of material used. The 44 ECT board will reduce the material used by 14.8%.
Differentiated differently, corrugated corrected which truly provides equal strength levels, but uses less material. This translates into fewer raw materials, lower energy requirements, and reduces pollution, in all stages of the package life cycle. Combining lighter materials in correctly sized cartons with the increasing number of recycled content means that ECT is considered corrugated reducing waste further.